Depuis la nuit des temps, l'Homme se pose une même question : sommes nous vraiment seul ?
Que ce soit sur terre ou bien ailleurs, dans l'au-delà, l'être humain à souvent chercher des réponses sans jamais en trouver. En quête d'une chose qui serait son égal, un être qui lui serait supérieur, un modèle, peut être, ou encore un ennemis, ses recherches, hélas, ont toujours étaient vaines.
Années après années, siècles après siècles, de nouvelles questions étaient soulevées, mais toutes restaient sans aucune réponses et ce malgré les incessantes recherches, les gigantesques et terribles inquisitions et les nombreuses battus. L'ignorance reignait.
Lire la suite.

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon
Cesare Da Conti
Cesare Da Conti
What's goin' on
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 2gxicyt
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Zc16v

DC de Jacob K. Schröder

▌Espèce : Italien de Toscane pur pédigrée, pelage blond, vendu avec un appareille photo et un appartement de 84m². Pratique la danse classique, le yoga et footing.
▌Messages : 63

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Empty
MessageSujet: Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon   Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon EmptyDim 8 Mar - 17:50

Do it for the vine. Like dude, seriously, that could be pretty funny, a bit dangerous, but whatever, right ? Come on, let's do it for the vine.

Vine was a fun concept if you put aside all the wounds, the trials and every embrassing situations that were blooming because of it. In fact, Cesare was fond of those videos. To say the truth, it was all he loved condensated in one 6 seconds piece of art, as he liked to call it : it was wild, some didn't even make any sense, while other where master pieces of terrible jokes. He liked it so much that he was even himself one of those « viners », always seeking the most ridiculous situations to get their phone ready and capture the moment. By the way, without any once of humility, he would always shows to his friends his followers counter that was growing every day a bit more. Yes, Cesare was quite well known on this site (maybe not as much as other users, but, in his eyes, it was his legacy), especially for his bitch faces that he mastered like any other.

Anyway, today was what he called « a vine day ». He was in the mood for doing something stupid and reckless, but also funny, something to light his boring day. So without even thinking, he put his coat on, took his phone and got out of his flat, walking calmly in the street, thinking of something to do, looking for someone to trick.
He didn't wanted to do anything that was mean or hurtful (he was not fond of making other too uncomfortable). In fact, what he liked the most was making other people laught in his videos, even at the price of his own integrity. He prefered light headed seconds of fun and ridiculousness than something that looked painfull or truly disrespectful.

Before crossing the road, he looked around. That's when a spark of light illuminated the light bulb in his head, just like in a frickin' cartoon :
Waiting for the red light to turn green, a car , stopped in the front line, was just in front of him, like a present given by the high gods in heaven, just for Cesare and his vines. Without really giving it a second thought, he put his camera on then grabbed the front door handle before tooking place beside the conductor.

- Dude, just drive, I'll explain later ! Just Drive !

Well, maybe it was a bit scary for a trick, but Cesare swore to himself that he would at least buy a drink for this guy once his vine would be finished.

crackle bones
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Valentin Pommier
Valentin Pommier
Chillin (admin)
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 160312121418587505
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 151107044853398411
Merci Alec pour ce magnifique dessin *-*

▌Espèce :
Nixe — Transformation en ondin — Charme par la voix (non maîtrisé) — Sensible aux chocs thermiques — Déshydratation rapide — Régénération aquatique.

▌Messages : 619
▌Double(s) Compte(s) : A venir :booty:

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon   Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon EmptyMer 8 Avr - 19:42

✻✻✻ Traffic. Endless lines of cars with angry - and less angry - drivers grinding their teeth, hoping to find a way to quickly end their cavalry. I have to admit this is particularly busy friday night and as tired as I am, this is slowly getting on my nerves. I put the radio on. No need to get mad. I must admit that the voice of Taylor Swift is calming.
I enjoy driving. Being stuck in the circulation is indeed not my favorite moment to be at the wheel, but somehow I feel like I can relax when I’m in my car – a bit like when I’m borrowing Jacob’s bathtub. Because I only have to drive, maybe sing along whatever song that plays, and this is easy. When I reach my exit, I’m way more laid-back.

These days, the sun stays up longer and as I make my way in town, I see more people walking on the streets. It’s lively and great and all but it also means that I have to be more careful of what happens in front of the car, especially on crosswalks. Little did I know that today, It’ll come from the right.
Waiting for the light to turn green, I drum my fingers on the wheel patiently. Everything is quiet, I am at peace, there’s less cars here than on the highway. I’m just noticing that the sky is turning orange, but I can’t really appreciate the beauty of nature because the passenger door slams open, making me jump and yelp in surprise and fear.
I stare in disbelief at a guy that just hops on and fail to spot the phone he’s holding.

« Dude, just drive, I'll explain later ! Just Drive ! »

I say nothing and I do what I always do when in danger: I obey. I would have found it terrifying in itself if I had the opportunity to think about it but I just crash the pedal, forcing the car in a sudden acceleration. In fact, the first thing I manage to think is : fuck, I’m going to be held hostage.
The keyword here might not be hostage but something simpler like sudden acceleration. You know, my car is old. I use it a lot. I take good care of it, but I can’t give it another youth. That’s why, the second I force the engine to abruptly speed up, the whole car makes a noise and miserably stalls on the crosswalk. « No ! Damnit ! » I hear myself say loudly and I promptly turn to my guest, panicking and probably looking like a deer in the headlight. « I'm sorry ! »
Way to scare people, mister viner.

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Cesare Da Conti
Cesare Da Conti
What's goin' on
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 2gxicyt
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Zc16v

DC de Jacob K. Schröder

▌Espèce : Italien de Toscane pur pédigrée, pelage blond, vendu avec un appareille photo et un appartement de 84m². Pratique la danse classique, le yoga et footing.
▌Messages : 63

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon   Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon EmptyMer 15 Avr - 22:05

Do it for the vine. Like dude, seriously, that could be pretty funny, a bit dangerous, but whatever, right ? Come on, let's do it for the vine.

Oh god, he was actualy speading like a mad man man, making the engine cry. Cesare couldn't believe that such good soul still roamed the earth. Bless you, nice stranger.
But their little race didn't last long as it looked like the car wasn't much in the mood for that kind on thing. With a BANG, it died just a meter away from their starting point, leaving a strange silence between the driver and Cesare. But promptly, the other one jumped on his seat, looking completely freaked out.

- I'm sorry !

The italian could see all the misery of the world in this guy's eyes, with a touch of despaire. Oh god. Once again, their was only room for silence in the car.
At least, until the photograph started laughing is ass off. Seriously, the situation was way too amazing and this stranger way too kind. With a click, he stopped the video and wiped off the tears of his eyes.

- Oh god, no I'm truly sorry. 

He laughed again, just a bit this time, before looking at Valentin. What could he say ? He was almost feeling guilty of putting such a prank on a person like this one.

- You're a nice guy, really, I meant it. 

He put his phone in his pocket.

- It was... A joke. A bad one, yeah. You know, for vine and... Well sorry. 

Quickly, he looked at the keys on the contact, a bit anxious for the well being of this old iron lady.

- Is it going to be okay ? I mean, will it start again ? If it's not the case, Maybe I can help pushing it to the next gaz station ? It's the least I can do after what I did. 

crackle bones
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Valentin Pommier
Valentin Pommier
Chillin (admin)
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 160312121418587505
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 151107044853398411
Merci Alec pour ce magnifique dessin *-*

▌Espèce :
Nixe — Transformation en ondin — Charme par la voix (non maîtrisé) — Sensible aux chocs thermiques — Déshydratation rapide — Régénération aquatique.

▌Messages : 619
▌Double(s) Compte(s) : A venir :booty:

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon   Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon EmptyMar 23 Juin - 20:18

✻✻✻ Silence. Complete, absolute silence.
I stare at him in utter shock as he breaks in a loud laugh. What the hell. Aren't you going to kill me? Where is the police?
And then, everything clicks. The device in his hands. His face. It's... It's...

- Holy shit you are notjuliuscesar !

The context might be needed to fully understand this sentence and what’s going on here.
From despair and fear of death I switch to a genuine cheerful mood with a big smile. Someone once said to me that my mood swings were quite frightening. Something like that.
Anyways, it's not everyday that a famous viner hops on your car without warning!

- Your vines are gold! I didn't even know you were in Detroit.

Now all bubbly, I let out a laugh before staring at him in awe. Really, that's strange to have someone you follow on a media but who doesn't know you on your passenger seat. It’s like meeting a friend you made online for the first time. Except this guy doesn’t know me at all. Well, when you put it that way, no wonder the elders find that creepy.

- Don't apologize, it was for a good reason. And to be really honest I wasn't being nice, I thought you were a terrorist and I didn't want to die.

Mom, Dad, I met a celebrity today. Not a Hollywood star but still! Aren't you proud of me. Of course not. You aren’t even able to turn on a television. Syke.
Someone honks behind us. Ah yes, the car. We're still in the middle of the crosswalk and the light is green now. I make a 'sorry' sign to the driver and makes him a gesture to suggest him to double over.

- Oh don't worry, it happens all the time. Here.

I turn the key one time; the car makes a coughing noise. I turn it again, and this time it starts up. The light switches to red again, so I turn to glance at the viner once more.

- So now you're here, do you need a ride?
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Cesare Da Conti
Cesare Da Conti
What's goin' on
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon 2gxicyt
Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Zc16v

DC de Jacob K. Schröder

▌Espèce : Italien de Toscane pur pédigrée, pelage blond, vendu avec un appareille photo et un appartement de 84m². Pratique la danse classique, le yoga et footing.
▌Messages : 63

Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon   Do it for the vine, dude || PV Val le saumon EmptySam 17 Oct - 17:20

Do it for the vine. Like dude, seriously, that could be pretty funny, a bit dangerous, but whatever, right ? Come on, let's do it for the vine.

The prank's aftermatch was shot sure the better part of it ! There was sometimes laughter, yelling and, like in this case, big smile and recognition – tho it was kind of a surprise. So the guy knew him ? O at least, followed him. Oh, the world is so small, but it was a pleasant surprise. Cesare responded with a smile, flattered, to say the least.

- I wasn't expecting you to be a follower. This situation is getting funnier and funnier. Anyway, thanks for the compliments, I'm trying my beast to give y'all heart attacks.

He stopped for a seconds. Wait, that was not what he meant.

- I mean, not that litteraly but...Well you get me.

He pressed his hand against his face, hidding an embarassed smile. Finding words that didn't make you look like a psychopath in the english language was kind of a big deal for that italian-ass of his.

- And yeah, guess you could stop us at the nearest burger king ? I mean if you got time. I gotta repay you for that nasty joke of mine. Plus you seem like a nice guy, and it's lunch time sooo...Hey, what's your name by the way ?

crackle bones
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